The results and findings of studies of preclinical and clinical efficacy and safety of the Company’s medications and their components are published in Russian and international peer-reviewed scientific journals, including those indexed by international bibliographic databases.
The article features the results of studying the therapeutic efficacy of the immunomodulator Anaferon that induces synthesis of endogenous interferons in adult patients with ARD complicated by community-acquired pneumonia. It has been shown that the use of Anaferon permitted to reduce the terms of development of the main clinical symptoms of disease, enhance levels of helper T-lymphocyte phenotypes stimulated by IFN-а and IFN-y by the convalescence period.
Single and course administration of ultralow doses of antibodies gamma-interferon did not increase the incidence of cytogeneticabnormalities in bone marrow cells from BALB/c mice and produced no genotoxic effect on Drosophila melanogaster wing cells in the test of somatic mosaicism.
Preclinical study of the safety of 6 preparations containing ultralow doses of antibodies to endogenous regulators showed that they are relatively safe, are well tolerated by animals in doses more than 1000-fold surpassing the therapeutic dose for humans, and produce no general toxic effect on the organism of laboratory animals.
Anaferon and pediatric anaferon based on release-active antibodies to interferon-gamma (R-A antibodies to INF-gamma) proved to be efficient in the treatment of many viral infections. Immunomodulating (immunotropic) properties of the drugs were revealed in the preclinical studies at many Russian and foreign research medical institutions and are reviewed herein. Anaferon and pediatric anaferon stimulated the humoral and cellular immune responses and increased the neutrophil and macrophage activity. The crucial mechanism of the immunotropic action of R-A antibodies to INF-gamma was the effect on the system of interferons and in particular on INF-gamma and functionally conjugated cytokines, resulting in normalization of the functional activity of the innate factors of the immune defense and increasing of the antiviral action. The broad spectrum of the immunotropic activity provided the success of anaferon and anaferon pediatric for more than 10 years in the treatment and prophylaxis of the diseases associated with disorders in the immune system functional state.