
Four extensive multicenter randomized trials have been completed which evaluated the safety and efficacy of two release-active drugs – liquid Ergoferon and Rengalin – in children and adults with acute respiratory infections (ARIs).

Ergoferon is a new antiviral compound with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects which is indicated for use in combination treatment of viral ARIs, including the flu, and is essentially composed of release-active anti-IFN-gamma, anti-histamine and anti-CD4 antibodies. Two placebo-controlled efficacy and safety studies of liquid Ergoferon involved 648 participants with viral ARIs recruited by 30 clinical centers.
Rengalin is an innovative compound based on release-active anti-bradykinin, anti-histamine and anti-morphine antibodies and is intended as part of combination therapy for all types of cough. The efficacy and safety studies of liquid Rengalin were facilitated by a total of 27 clinical centers which recruited 622 participants with ARI-related cough. The adult trial of Rengalin was a placebo-controlled design. For efficacy assessment in children, the liquid medicine was compared with butamirate. These studies have demonstrated high efficacy and safety of liquid Ergoferon and Rengalin in children and adults with ARIs. In this way, the novel pharmaceuticals designed to treat ARIs in adults and children are now available for practitioners’ practice in a new, easy-to-use form with demonstrated efficacy.