
An international observational program has shown that Ergoferon is effective in the treatment of ARVIs and influenza at early and later stages

An international observational program “ERMITAGE” has shown that Ergoferon can be successfully used in the treatment of ARVIs and influenza in adults and children, including those with concomitant allergic diseases, in routine clinical practice.

519 doctors from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan participated in the program. The total enrollment was 8,411 patients including 6,005 children.

The “ERMITAGE” results showed that Ergoferon was effective in all age groups of patients with ARVIs and influenza, including allergic individuals, both with early and late treatment initiation. No symptomatic treatments were required in 50% of the patients with ARVIs and influenza receiving Ergoferon. The full data are available in journal “Terapia” (8(18); 2017, in Russian).