Impaza is an original over-the-counter medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Impaza can be also used by men with age-related potency reduction, those who suffer from hypertension, angina pectoris or diabetes, when taking other medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is prohibited or inadvisable. A course of therapy will leave a lasting effect.
Description of the drug

Pills of a flat-cylindrical shape, with a notch and a chamfer, from white to almost white. On the flat side with a risk there is an inscription MATERIA MEDICA, on the other flat side is inscribed IMPAZA.

Indications for use

Impaza® is indicated for use in adults.
Erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction) of various origins.

Dosage and administration

The risk is not intended for dividing the tablet into parts.
At one time - 1 tablet (keep in the mouth until completely dissolved - not during meals).
To improve erection (ability to have sexual intercourse) is recommended treatment-and-prophylactic course lasting at least 12 weeks 1 tablet 1-2 times a day.
If necessary, course therapy can be repeated after 3-6 months.